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Ejendals new testing methods provide additional hand protection against hazardous chemicals

Ejendals is a market leader in personal protective equipment (PPE), and now, we have gone one step further. We can now endorse the performance of different materials against challenge chemicals using an automated permeation analysis system.

Any employer who requires its employees to work with hazardous materials or in a potentially hazardous environment, such as those working in the healthcare, industrial chemical, manufacturing, cleanroom, and defence sectors, must provide protective equipment that complies with the PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Choosing the gloves that offer the best protection against chemicals can be complicated. The chosen gloves must prevent permeation and degradation to ensure your safety. Permeation is when a chemical passes through the glove material through molecular diffusion. This occurs even when there are no physical holes in the glove material. Degradation is the process by which the physical properties of the gloves change and are damaged after being exposed to chemicals.

Why does Ejendals have a chemical permeation laboratory?

Ejendals decided to invest in a first-class laboratory to serve you better when providing you with a protective glove that protects you from the hazardous effects of challenge chemicals.

“This kind of testing is a crucial step in achieving our vision - no injuries to hands and feet,” says Bart Vervust, Chemical Compliance Manager at Ejendals.

How is permeation measured?

Permeation is measured by exposing the outer surface of a material sample to the chemical against which it is being measured.

The exposure is total and constant and emulates total immersion conditions. The material’s inner surface is monitored analytically to determine the quantity of chemicals (if any) passing through the material. Although this is invisible to the naked eye, highly sophisticated detectors in the permeation equipment can register tiny molecules that permeate the protective layer. As such, the protective performance of the gloves can be measured in real-time.

What is the “breakthrough time”?

The breakthrough time is the elapsed time between the material’s first exposure to the chemical and the permeation rate reaching a target value. The target permeation rate for tests conducted according to EN 16523-1 is one microgram of chemical passing through each square centimetre of material every minute.

The breakthrough time is plotted and recorded using software to show the material’s resistance level. When measured according to the standard method, the breakthrough time is the value by which the performance of different materials can be compared.

Ejendals automated permeation system

The automated systems speed up analysis time using new simultaneous testing methods to determine the glove material’s resistance to chemical permeation specified under EN 16523-1.

The optional automated challenge chemical introduction cells can test different challenge chemicals or hold the same chemical for multiple automated testing processes. In addition, the system offers us the flexibility to vary the test speed depending on a sample’s breakthrough time, which can range significantly from one minute to up to eight hours. This removes the need to wait for longer tests before obtaining complete results.

A team of experts

All the chemical performance data is stored in a database. With this in-house analytical equipment and expertise, this database will continue to grow at an even faster rate. Our chemical protection experts can assist you in choosing the correct PPE.

TEGERA Chemical protection gloves

If you handle oils and chemicals without protecting your hands, you’re exposing yourself to risks not only to skin damage but also to damage to your nerve system and vital organs. All Ejendals chemical gloves are tested and approved according to EN 374, chemical and microorganism risks.

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Guide - Chemical protection gloves

Use our chemical protection guide or contact one of our sellers and get help in finding a suitable glove for protection against the relevant chemical mix.

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