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Chainsaw sculpting requires unrestrained mobility and comfort

Chainsaw sculptor Stefan Karlsson lives and works in Godegård, in Östergötland, Sweden. On his farm it smells of freshly sawn wood. The sawdust swirls in the air while Stefan works on a new sculpture. A pig's head begins to take shape from a large piece of spruce wood, weighing around 40 kg. The sculpture will stand as a prize at Borensberg's market. Where in the old days you could win a real piglet. 

Stefan talks about different types of wood and that the elk sculpture on the other side of the barn is made from a single piece of ash. The elk sculpture weighs 1 ton! There is also a bear in elm wood that a customer has ordered for their mountain cabin. Beside it lays two beautifully painted fish that are going to a playground in the small town Sävar.



A sick tree gets new life

Stefan gets the wood for his sculptures in different ways. The ash tree used for the elk came from a park and needed to be felled. When Stefan received the felled tree, he immediately saw the possibility of creating a large elk head from the thickest part of the trunk.

It feels like a very beautiful way to take care of this once majestic tree. To create another majesty in the form of the king of the forest.

Unlimited imagination and mobility

It's clear that Stefan can create just about anything with his chainsaws and his endless imagination. But his need to be able to move freely places high demands on his protective equipment.
Stefan shows the stretchy fabric around the fingers of his TEGERA 951 saw protection glove, and says that it is thanks to it that the glove is so flexible. He thinks that the gloves are comfortable to work in. He can easily handle the chainsaw. Start the choke and change the settings of the chainsaw.

Specially designed for chainsaw work

To protect his feet, Stefan wears Jalas new chainsaw protection boots JALAS 1988. A level 2 trekking style safety boot with GORE-TEX.

This shoe is specially designed for chainsaw work and who could be better suited to review the JALAS 1988 chainsaw boot than Stefan?

Raised with logging

Stefan's father was a logger, so you can say that loggings is in his blood. In the 80s, Stefan started making gnomes with the chainsaw, which he then painted. Rather quickly, his sculpting with the chainsaw developed. He has participated in many sculpting competitions and the chainsaw world championship.

Review of JALAS 1988

But what did Stefan think of the JALAS chainsaw protection boots?

They are comfortable, stable and have a very high level of protection! They are so nice that I might just wear them during this year's elk hunt!

Nature inspires

As a hunter, Stefan has developed a great interest in the wildlife of the Swedish fauna. Swedish wildlife is something he likes to depict. But he has done everything from motorcycles, golf clubs, kites to tractors.

Another figure that has become somewhat of his specialty is Lars Mortimer's cartoon elk Hälge. For Hälgeland, which was initially located in Tomteland, Mora, Stefan created around 30 Hälge figures. These figures can now be viewed at the Hälge Museum in Alfta, Ovanåker.

Learn more about Stefan's work!

If you are interested in knowing more about Stefan's sculptures, please visit his website.

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