Chainsaw sculpting requires unrestrained mobility and comfort
Chainsaw sculptor Stefan Karlsson lives and works in Godegård, in Östergötland, Sweden. On his farm it smells of freshly sawn wood. The sawdust swirls in the air while Stefan works on a new sculpture. A pig's head begins to take shape from a large piece of spruce wood, weighing around 40 kg. The sculpture will stand as a prize at Borensberg's market. Where in the old days you could win a real piglet.
Stefan talks about different types of wood and that the elk sculpture on the other side of the barn is made from a single piece of ash. The elk sculpture weighs 1 ton! There is also a bear in elm wood that a customer has ordered for their mountain cabin. Beside it lays two beautifully painted fish that are going to a playground in the small town Sävar.