TEGERA Product Care
Take care of your gloves and keep their protective properties
Store your TEGERA Gloves so their protective capacity does not deteriorate. Some glove materials, like natural rubber, have a limited shelf life.
The instructions, enclosed with your gloves, state how your gloves should be cleaned, dried and stored. They should also be clean inside. If protective gloves are reused, they should be inspected and approved. Are they whole and clean? Have they lost their protective properties?
If your gloves have been used for handling dangerous chemicals or other hazardous materials, they should be thrown away at the end of the working day - or earlier, if recommended.
In the workplace, there should be clear guidelines for how your gloves should be used and discarded. If the gloves themselves are flammable, this may affect how they can be discarded. For gloves that have been used against hazardous chemicals, special environmental regulations may also apply.
Thank you for choosing TEGERA, a brand that stands for technical safety, comfort and durability. Through proper care, you can greatly increase the lifespan of your gloves.
To clean your gloves, rinse them in cold water and line dry them at room temperature.
Note! All gloves that have been in contact with chemicals of any kind must be sent to destruction after use.
Why do other manufacturers of protective gloves recommend using a washing machine for cleaning and not TEGERA?
Answer: Gloves can undergo a standardised test to ensure that domestic or industrial washing does not affect the performance levels. However, these tests are only performed on unused gloves. Therefore, the result from the tests cannot fairly be extrapolated to used gloves.
Who’s responsible for the glove if a laundry service provider washes the gloves and later supply it to users?
Answer: If a laundry service provider washes the glove it’s his responsibility to make sure that the washing doesn’t jeopardize the performance levels of the gloves.
Some laundry provider washes the gloves and then re-test the performance levels at a test house, can these results be trusted?
Answer: The results can be an indicator however tests should only be performed at accredited test institutes.
Is there a difference between washing and cleaning a glove?
Answer: In some case, it can be. Perclorethylene (perc) are often used to clean leather which is a process without water, while washing is usually done in a washing machine with different water temperatures, detergents and number of cycles.